The traveling circus

Classic tortie terrorist with a taste for big orange butterflies. The only cat food Ton enjoys are Catit Creamy treats. Ton also likes grass, electric blankets, and crème fraîche.

The greediest Bengal cat in the world. Banksy loves all ferns.

Siberian cat with tufty ears and a love of lying on his back, eating prawns, and exploring the French countryside.

Beautiful silver tabby Maine coon.
Will always be with us. Loved and missed every single day.
Griffin loved prosciutto, watching possums at night, going in the car, and fresh cat nip.

Highly tolerant Labrador. Loves any food. And large bodies of water. You couldn't ask for a smarter, kinder or more loyal dog; she's one in a million.
Willow's great-niece, Harri brings joy and naughtiness to the family. Harri is the only dog in the universe that likes celery.

Zero was only in our lives for a short time, but we miss him terribly and he will always be a much-loved part of our family. He wandered out of the forest emaciated, FIV positive, and covered in ticks, and we got to enjoy three wonderful months with him before he left us. He loved to play in his tunnel, and run up and down the stairs growling and scaring the dog. He was a wildling and naughty forest sprite and we hope he is at peace now roaming through the oak trees and sleeping in the wildflowers.